Tangentbordsspårare 2.73 released
Keyboard Tracer UI was redesigned to support custom screen DPI. Special thanks to the user of who have pointed on this problem.
The LOG is not keeping record
Question: The log is not keeping record. Också, the number of keystrokes listed doesn’t change despite the key strokes being made. How to resolve this? Answer: You have to specify the proper file name and location to save the LOG file.
Fel: Det gick inte att köra filen
Question: I received following error message when installing the program. It is Windows 10. Could you please help? Unable to execute file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Keyboard Tracer\Logger.exe CreateProcess failed; Code 740, The requested operation requires elevation. Answer: Please note that this tool is designed for Windows XP, Vista and Win 7 (it is the system requirement). If you […]